Get Involved

Engage with Others

Membership to The Tutors’ Association isn’t all about CPD, networking and events. There are plenty of ways to share ideas and expertise, influence the tuition sector and get involved with other tutors.

Membership to The Tutors’ Association isn’t all about CPD, networking and events. There are plenty of ways to share ideas and expertise, influence the tuition sector and get involved with other tutors.

Blog about it...

Have something interesting to share and want to heighten your profile within the tutoring community? Perhaps you have particular expertise on a topic or interest for the tuition or broader supplementary education sector? 

Find more about our Guidelines for Blog Contributors

Talk about it...

If blogs aren’t your thing and you think you have what it takes to deliver a high-quality training, discussion or networking event, why not host a webinar? The chances are that your chosen topic will be of interest to others too.

Change it…

Working Groups

TTA’s Working Groups bring together members and senior TTA officers into committees that affect real change. Our working groups are led by a member of the board and rely on proactive input from amongst the wider membership. If you are interested in getting involved in a Working Group, please register your interest today.

We currently have or are developing working groups in the areas of: Compliance, Government Engagement, CPD, Events, Partners, Safeguarding, Professional Tutors, Tuition Businesses and Online Schools.