
China Trade Mission

China Trade Mission 2024

China is an enormous market, with the tuition market estimated to be worth $96 billion USD in 2019, prior to the introduction of new government regulations that banned tuition in curriculum subjects up to and including Grade 9 (but not in Grades 10-12). We are assured by contacts in China that the demand for British curriculum education, including British tuition, remains very strong and the scale of the demand for British tuition, especially for English Language Training (ELT), IELTS preparation (International English Language Testing System), international GCSEs and international A Levels has rebounded to 2019 levels. There has always been a significant level of interest in school and university entrance tuition (into the UK). There are some tuition companies already operating in this market but there remains a great deal of potential for TTA to assist its members (both corporates and individuals) to grow their business in the Chinese market.

Even for those members who do not feel able to go to the expense and effort of travelling to China to promote their business, TTA is offering the opportunity for members to be represented by TTA and have TTA representatives make connections and build relationships on their behalf at a very affordable cost. This is likely to be much more attractive to individual tutors and smaller tuition businesses.

You can find out more about the China Trade Mission by downloading the prospectus below:

Next Steps

If you would like to take part in the TTA’s Trade Mission to China, please do the following:

  1. Complete the registration form here by Sunday the 23rd of June at 23:59.
  2. Pay the 50% deposit for your chosen option; you will receive an invoice within a few days of filling in the registration form. This is fully refundable if, for any reason, TTA does not go ahead with the trade mission; however, it will not be refundable if TTA goes ahead and you decline to participate. If, for some reason, you do not receive the invoice, please email:
  3. Await further information from TTA by the end of June with confirmation that the trade mission will be going ahead and further details. There will be a question and answer session for prospective delegates on Wednesday the 5th of June at 10am